How To Feel More Energized At Work

Friday, July 01, 2016

I find it very difficult to be sitting at my desk and staring at a computer screen all day.  During my job, there is a definite lack in social interaction.  Corporate life can be exciting, but also tiring.  The company I work for has a massive campus holding more than 350 employees and it's easy to get lost- whether that be in the crowd or in the many buildings that are here.

Being the only intern in my department, it's a bit harder to become enthralled with the work I'm given.  There's a number of tedious tasks I complete on a day to day basis and mustering the energy to finish it all can become exhausting.

But as I sit as my desk, wondering how I can improve on this- it occurred to me that I could take this common problem to a blog post which is exactly what I'm doing as we speak!

Before we recoup and relax during this extended holiday weekend I wanted to share some of my tips to help you get through a day in the office.  Having more energy can do wonders for you.  It will improve your productivity and overall attitude.  If you ever start to feel drained while working, hopefully these tips can help perk up your day!

Stretch And Go For A Walk
Take advantage of when you have to get up from your desk and go somewhere.  Moving around definitely helps my mind readjust and lessen tension in my arms or neck from sitting.  If you have the opportunity, I recommend even walking outside.  Getting some fresh air and sunshine can make a big difference, and everyone deserves a change of scenery once in a while.

Organize And Decorate Your Desk
I once saw the phrase "tidy desk, tidy mind" somewhere and I could not agree more with it.  Having a work space that's clean and neat will help you focus more on finishing the tasks you need to complete.  Pictures, plants and posters can brighten your area, making it feel less boring and more like a second home.

Listen To Upbeat Music
While some prefer working in silence, I love listening to a fun Spotify playlist to set the vibe for my work environment.  It helps me get into a groove, and the fast paced music makes me more efficient and productive.

Manage Your To-Do List
You can become burnt out if you continue to work on the same task for more than a couple hours.  Instead, it's good to time yourself for certain items on your to-do list and spreading them out during the day.  I always make a list before I begin anything at work.  Having my schedule at a glance, I then prioritize on what projects need to be completed immediately or gradually.  By prioritizing, you'll feel less overwhelmed and more willing to take control of your work, instead letting it control you.

Limit Your Screen Time During Your Break
We all love catching up with friends and family during our breaks, but sometimes it's okay to put the phone down.  From staring at your computer to then staring at your phone, there isn't much of a difference.  Read a book or converse with your co workers instead, this will be a well-deserved break for your eyes.

Snack Throughout The Day
Believe it or not, snacking is actually good for you.  It curbs cravings, limits hunger and you're less likely to overeat during regular meals.  If you find yourself yawning, it could be because you're hungry, not tired.  Trail mix, KIND bars and popcorn are a few energy boosting snacks to name.  Another easy, healthy snack is almonds.  They provide magnesium which allows us to produce more energy.  For the best energy snacks, focus on the products high in protein and fiber.  These will definitely give you that extra kick you need to keep going.

Take Frequent Computer Breaks
It's recommended you take two 10 minute breaks throughout the day in addition to your traditional break.  It's shown that you should take mini breaks when you're working as well.  For every 15 minutes you look at your screen, look away briefly to a distant scene.  This will allow for the muscles of your eyes to relax therefore becoming less strained.  Looking at a screen can become almost hypnotic and doing these simple exercises will ease the pain of that.

Stay Hydrated
It's important to drink up during the summer, but it's even more important to drink consistently during a work day.  By drinking more water it can reduce and prevent dehydration which can lead to fatigue.  Water is the fuel your body needs to be more alert and energized.

Are YOU ready to take back your work day next week?


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